Abs and Booty Workout at home

2 min readMar 7, 2022


Resistance bands are extremely versatile valuable ways of changing workouts. Adding variable resistance, priming your body. What’s funny about resistance bands is they were not really considered as a serious exercise tool but now people now that resistance bands are one of very useful home abs and booty workout. Now a days we saw strength athletes really started to use them. Initially bands were considered kind of wimpy but it’s hard to do that when guys and girls squatting and lifting as much they did. I personally use resistance bands for my whole body workouts like deadlifts, gluts and chest. There are many equipments that can be use for workout at home, but resistance bands are one of the best in the list. For Abs and booty shape following exercises are best for daily routine if you want to lose fat from your lower body or gain muscles with nice shape. (Read Swiss or fitness ball workout tricks).

Each move consist of 45 seconds with a 15 seconds break with total of 10 minutes. You’ll not be talking much while doing workout because it may break your focus. During any kind of exercise you must need to focus on the muscle that your are working on such as abs and booty workout. (Lose weight in 2 weeks using stationary bike).

Side Squat for abs and booty:

First exercise for abs and booty, take your band on thighs of both legs but little bit upper than the knees. Whole workout is going be done on yoga mat so when you put your band on you’re going to come to the one end of your mat. Now you’re going to take a side step so squat, bend about half of your legs and move side way, repeat this movement from one to other side of your mat for 45 seconds. This exercise is highly effective in your abs and booty workout. (9 best cardio equipment)

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