It is very difficult to stick to a proper bulking diet and without following the right diet guidelines it does not matter how hard you are working out. Diet is 70% of your fitness and weight. I am going to list some best foods to get bulk and gain weight. Don’t be wasting your time working out very hard without a perfect diet plan because nothing is gonna happen. Instead of your carbs coming from sugar, your carbs should be coming from:
· Food Plan
· Yams
· Oatmeal
Take about 300 to 400 grams of carbs in a day to provide a huge source of energy to your muscle if you want them to grow and gain weight. The best way to eat these things is by boiling them. You can mix these in milk to make it easier to consume because I don’t want you to move from your diet plan. The point is that if you want to bulk up and you want to do it fast you will have to get used to the discomfort that comes with eating when you truly just don’t want to eat anymore.